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About Us

Hello! I am the creator of Pink Light Bulbs United, a community of those who enjoy all things pink, cute, and happy. We hope to provide a variety of creative contents that will not only be pleasing to your eyes but will most likely move your hearts in a positive way too. 


3 Main Purposes Behind Our Community


1. Creative Outlet 

2. Healthy Body & Mind

3. Spreading Positivity 


As a young child and even up to my early teenage years, I always loved to fill up my spare time with creative activities 

such as reading, drawing, and writing short stories. Having been a private and introverted person for as long as I can remember, it was difficult for me to truly express my thoughts and feelings to the outside world. The time that I spent to express myself creatively served as a peaceful oasis for my mind.


Yet, as the years passed on, the craziness of adult life naturally made it difficult for me to continually satisfy this creative itch that I'm sure many of you also possess within yourselves. The stress of everyday life have also not been too kind to both my physical and mental health.  


This community and platform serves as a positive outlet for me to creatively express and share my thoughts as well as all of the positive things that I love about life! By doing so, I hope that it will naturally also heal my body and soul and help my "pink light" shine so bright that it can reach others in a positive way. 


Similarly, I also hope that this community will serve as a safe place for all of our community members to be inspired to express and share their own creativity and thoughts too. I believe that everyone possesses something uniquely awesome inside of them to positively impact the world. Come join us and partake in our movement to help spread the "pink light" throughout the world! 





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“The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.” 


-Pablo Picasso

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