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Who is the Pink Light Bulb
(aka "
The Pink Kid"

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The Pink Light Bulb (aka "The Pink Kid") is an important part of the Pink Light Bulbs United community and can be seen as the primary inspiration behind our Pink Light Bulbs United movement and the community's mission to spread the pink light across the world. You can learn more about the Pink Light Bulbs United movement HERE!


The Pink Kid is a strange but cute kid that captures everyone's attention with her bright and big pink head! Born with a wanderlust soul and a free-spirited nature, she can be spotted in all types of different destinations with a blue backpack on and lounging on her inseparable wooden chair.  As the Pink Kid loves taking selfies and inserting herself into any photo sessions around, if you happen to spot a big pink head during one of your traveling adventures, don't forget to say hello and take a photo with the Pink Kid!

Finding Inspiration From a Light Bulb



There is something both physically and mentally unique about the Pink Kid.  Born as a light bulb, her primary purpose in life is to bring light to this world and shine as bright as she can be.


 In order to fulfill such simple yet grand purpose and to illuminate her pink glow as far as it can reach, the Pink Kid's big head was designed to hold only those things that are positive and happy. Even an ounce of negativity or a stressful thought threatened the Pink Kid's light to dim further and further into non-existence! Therefore, as a necessity, it only holds those memories and thoughts of what the Pink Kid loves the most deep, deep within. She naturally also spends her time doing only what makes her smile each moment of the day!  

For example, the cute Pink Kid loves to go on road trips, have picnics on a sunny day, play with her wild fur kids, enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking & running, and releasing her creative spirit by writing, drawing, and playing music!

**Snapshot of how the Pink Kid spend her days**

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When we look at the snapshot of the Pink Kid's life, we can't help but wonder.. how awesome would it be if we can be like the Pink Kid and spend each moment of our days doing the things that makes us happy? If you had the freedom and time to do anything in life, is there a list of hobbies or fun things that you want to do? What naturally brings a smile to your face? If the Pink Kid is capable of only possessing positive thoughts and doing only the things that make her smile, we can only imagine how healthy and nourishing her positive mental state will be to both her body and soul. 


With these thoughts in mind, why not find inspiration from the Pink Kid's ways and live our lives by only allowing us to experience the things that are good? Why not... BE LIKE THE PINK KID?

The Dilemma...

One small problem is that unlike the Pink Kid, we are human beings whose inner workings of our soul and heart are deeper and complex than a pink light bulb. No matter how hard we try to turn our backs from the hardships, responsibilities, and stressful situations that are all around us, it is impossible to shield our minds from all things negative. There are just some things that we experience in life that fills our hearts and our minds with negative emotions (e.g. anger, sadness, guilt, anxiety, or stress). Maybe it is because experiencing these emotions and hardships are critical for us in fulfilling one of our major purposes in life....evolving and growing into a stronger person. 


The reality of everyday life also makes it difficult for most of us to have the freedom to do everything that our heart truly desires. Whether it may be due to work, responsibility to take care of our loved ones, or other personal circumstances, there are important priorities in life that prevents us from fully enjoying the creative and adventurous things that we want to experience and do on a frequent basis!


So, the important question is, is there a way that we can experience the healthy benefits of the Pink Kid's ways without having to significantly change our human DNA or the unavoidable obligations that needs to be fulfilled on a daily basis?

- Is Transformation Possible for Me? -

The Pink Light Bulb Moment

Befittingly, we can sometimes find the best answers and inspiration from a creative mind.​

"Now and then, it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy...."

-Guillaume Apollinaire (French Poet)

Whether it's in pursuit of achieving professional or personal success, or just trying to get by on a daily basis by fulfilling all of the required obligations that comes along the way, it is sometimes easy to get lost in our busy and repetitive routines. While it may sound simple, it is surprisingly difficult to take a moment out of the day to just RELAXBREATHE. Moreover, even if we happen to find a brief moment in between work or school, how are we suppose to exactly smile and be happy? It's not as if we happen to always have a beach nearby to relax or our cute dogs next to us to make us effortlessly smile. 

Pink Light Bulbs United

Our community was specifically founded with the intention to serve as an oasis for those who just need a break from the stress and monotony of everyday life. While it is nearly impossible for us to fill our days with things that are 100% positive, if we consciously try to weave in as much happy thoughts and activities into our daily routines as possible, I truly believe that the moments of positivity that we experience here and there can ultimately have a cumulative effect on dimming out the negative feelings within us.


While there are differences in what makes each of us smile, we are confident that there will be some elements of our contents that will surely trigger that happy virus lying dormant within your soul. 


Not to be taken too seriously or to consume too much of your time, whenever you need to relax your mind, please feel free to drop in whenever you wish through your phone or laptop! Our community is available 24/7 for you to take and grab whatever helpful things that are nourishing for your body and soul. 

Just as we instinctively turn on the lights after having a terrible nightmare, or breathe a sigh of relief when we see a guiding light within the darkness, light itself serves as a symbol of comfort and positivity. 


A single light bulb possess the power to illuminate far and wide into even the darkest corners. Similarly, if we take the time to insert those little "pink" moments into our daily routines, we might soon come to realize that there is not one dark spot within our minds that haven't been touched by our own pink light. With every little step each day, feel your mind and your soul slowly transforming into something bright and beautiful like a pink light bulb! 

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